The Life of bell hooks

UW Archives (source)

bell hooks is a distinguished Professor in Residence in Appalachian Studies at Berea College since 2004. Born Gloria Jean Watkins in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, she has chosen the lower case pen name bell hooks, based on the names of her mother and grandmother, to emphasize the importance of the substance of her writing as opposed to who she is. hooks received her B.A. from Stanford University, her M.A. from the University of Wisconsin and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz. The acclaimed intellectual, feminist theorist, cultural critic, artist, and writer is the author of over thirty books, many of which have focused on issues of topics of gender, race, class, spirituality, teaching, and the significance of media in contemporary culture. Her latest book is titled Belonging: A Culture of Place.

In a special issue of Appalachian Heritage (Summer 2008) on African Americans in Appalachia, bell hooks writes of the values of wildness, of renegade. She suggests that her own “radical critical consciousness” was learned at home in a Kentucky community of African Americans from the backwoods about the need for freedom and the responsibility that comes with freedom. She concludes:

Living by those values, living with integrity, I am able to return to my native place, to an Appalachia that is no longer silent about its diversity or about the broad sweep of its influence. While I do not claim an identity as Appalachian, I do claim a solidarity, a sense of belonging, that makes me one with the Appalachian past of my ancestors, black, Native American, white, all “people of one blood” who made homeplace in isolated landscapes where they could invent themselves, where they could savor a taste of freedom.

As a poignant writer of the Appalachian region, she was inducted into the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame on January 31, 2018. Along with this, in order to celebrate her achievements, the bell hooks institute was established in 2014 in order to end the domination of oppressive Berea is more than proud to have such an incredible intellectual be a crucial part of Berea College's community and legacy. 

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The Life of bell hooks